Hello Friends.
I am the owner of Mr. Gutter of Huntsville Alabama. After years of selling I have been Investigating my sales techniques I have found out some great points.
The key to sales is Sell yourself get the customer in the comfort zone, sell your company, and then sell your product, RIGHT!! Well I this is what I have been doing for years, I get to the house I talk about there dog there yard maybe there garden, the sports car in the front yard, I talk and talk then give them a price say well you ready to get it done?
After reading lots of books about sales, I have tried it every way possible and every technique's there is out there I have learned a simple processes that works.
Ask Questions
Yes ask question even the dumb questions. Let me give you some examples of what I am saying, Ok I am going to try to sell you a car,
You the sales person start going off about what kind of cars we have on the lot we have this one and that one and this one has leather this one has a TV system for the kids this one has this and that and this.
Well you get the point.
So the couple leaves and says well we are going to look some more do you have a card so we can get back with you { Sales person} so he gets there information and says if I get any other cars in I will give you a call.
So the car sales person calls back and ask them if they have found a car yet the couple says yes one just like what we where looking for one good on gas and has a 100 Mile warranty.
So the hole time all they where looking for was a car good on gas and has a great warranty the car sales person never ask them this question, if he would have I am sure he would have made a sale the customers did not care about leather a TV in the back seat of what ever else the car sales person had to say.
Just a car good on gas and has 100,000 Mile warranty.
So ask a lot of questions make notes on what the customer tells you they want and what they are looking for. The key is to know what they want and what they need. If you just concentrate on the things they are after you will make a sales because you are fulfilling there needs.
Lots of times when you ask questions they will sell the product to them selves, this is a great way to make a sale I call it indirect selling.
Example: Customer tell you we need this and this and this, You listen [Yes Listen] and then one hour later you say to the customer remember you needed this and this and this. Well I have this and this and this for you and you are going to love it. You will never have to worry bout this again.
So just remember ask questions over and over again even though you may want to talk small talk or just start talking about your products or your services see what the customer wants and fill that desire they are after and your close ratio will improve.
Ask questions ask questions and ask questions, this is key part to making a sale.
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