Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gutters Across Your Porch


My name is Dennis Liuzzo with Mr. Gutter USA, I would like to give some pointers on a gutter going along a porch, and you may not want to install a down spout on your nice pretty post column.
Or maybe its the back porch and you want to get gutters installed around the porch with no down spouts in the U Section at all.
The best way to accomplish this is with a six inch gutter system.
Using a six inch gutter system will carry one gallon of water more per foot than a six inch gutter.
Always remember to use a 3x4 inch down spout, this will carry plenty of water needed to empty the water out of the gutter in a fast way.

I know this is just a simple thing and maybe you are thinking this is not worth blogging about, but if you can find a company to install a six inch gutter system this will fix all your problems.
Ask the company to install hidden hangers and try to make them at least two feet a par,t this will give you plenty of strength to hold the gutters up when they get really full.

This is a hidden hanger, make sure to use a nice screw with a rubber gasket.
In the picture above you will notice the down spouts are on the right and left of the porch, and not down the porch columns.

This is just a good way to keep curb appeal to your home.

If you have any questions on this blog please comment below or contact Mr. Gutter at 256-881-1990

Or email your questions at:


  1. Please shoot me an email or if you have a question about gutter or an gutter system drop me a line thanks

  2. Gutter maintenance is certainly a must to ensure that you won’t experience buildup of dirt and dead leaves. I make it a point to clean my gutters twice a week. I’m proud to say that my gutters have never been clogged. Let me share you a trick I always do. After I pick the dry leaves off, I pour boiling water to flush out any concentrated dirt. I also clean the drainage pipes connected to my gutters.

    Eulalia Symonds

  3. Thanks For your Reply
